Monday, October 18, 2010

Snippets of Life


I realise that I am lagging in time in my updating of the journals. but I figured that should not stop me from updating random things. And I realised that the tone of the journal is a bit "informative" most of the time, so I figured I would write a general "LETTER" to my lovelies out there. (yes, you know who you are x)

So this is an update about my life as it is on 18/10/2010.
Quite apart from the travelling, just wanted to say that I've been buying loads and loads of books. I have quite taken to(that's a bit of an understatement. I am "in love with") The delivery is mostly free within the UK and its...amazing! it's my new trademe LOL.

so i have been getting a lot of parcels delivered to be, once i had 7 parcels to my name. I am "the sol yi" who gets a lot of mails, according to people from the office. LOL. (sad that I dun get any "Real" mails, but hey. shopping works) anyway. It's been mostly "self-help"books which actually are changing my life. :D

It sounds like an infomercial so I am going to stop talking about it right now.

I am still alive and breathing, happy and loving it in England. This is to say, I am still doing the normal going to uni thing, listening in the class thing, going to church thing... :) It's a lot like Auckland here with all the green around the campus and the teaching style...and the shops close at horrible hours like..5pm as well. BUT it just seems different here. I am having a lot of fun just..being me. Being away from home has made me learn more about myself and gave me more chances to reflect. So thus far, I cannot thank God enough for the opportunity given to me.

On a lighter note-
The food at the hall is truly terrible- fatty and not yummy. BUT i am still surviving nonetheless. I miss Korean food- (which I had yesterday and today! There are no Korean restaurants in Nottingham- but I met a Korean law student who was kind enough to cook me and some other people Korean food and packed me the leftovers so I could have more. I am sooo grateful!) and good Chinese food. I just want..bbq pork on rice- they keep giving me bbq pork fried rice. gah.

I sometimes get a pang of....nostalgia, but I feel like it's a bit of a luxury, especially when I am so lucky to be here. BUT i do miss my family. I wish they were here in England. LOL (that is to say i dun miss NZ.) and I also miss you guys terribly. xxxxx


If you'd like to receive a postcard from me please email me your addresses(if you want to risk it, you can leave it as a comment here- but the internet is a freaky place). I can't guarantee anything, but you don't have anything to lose! :D (its like...a free lottery ticket. if you lose, you lose nothing but the hope in your heart...waiiiit. not helping my case.)

I am gonna go and read some more books. :D i got two books, and i have about 5 on the way.

Night night (we lag 12 hrs behind you guys- so its monday for me!)

From other side of the world,

The Unadventurous Traveller.

PS: Any tip on organising an Italian trip or any Europe Trip? i wanna fit one in before I leave on 22/Dec!

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