Monday, October 18, 2010

Snippets of Life


I realise that I am lagging in time in my updating of the journals. but I figured that should not stop me from updating random things. And I realised that the tone of the journal is a bit "informative" most of the time, so I figured I would write a general "LETTER" to my lovelies out there. (yes, you know who you are x)

So this is an update about my life as it is on 18/10/2010.
Quite apart from the travelling, just wanted to say that I've been buying loads and loads of books. I have quite taken to(that's a bit of an understatement. I am "in love with") The delivery is mostly free within the UK and its...amazing! it's my new trademe LOL.

so i have been getting a lot of parcels delivered to be, once i had 7 parcels to my name. I am "the sol yi" who gets a lot of mails, according to people from the office. LOL. (sad that I dun get any "Real" mails, but hey. shopping works) anyway. It's been mostly "self-help"books which actually are changing my life. :D

It sounds like an infomercial so I am going to stop talking about it right now.

I am still alive and breathing, happy and loving it in England. This is to say, I am still doing the normal going to uni thing, listening in the class thing, going to church thing... :) It's a lot like Auckland here with all the green around the campus and the teaching style...and the shops close at horrible hours like..5pm as well. BUT it just seems different here. I am having a lot of fun just..being me. Being away from home has made me learn more about myself and gave me more chances to reflect. So thus far, I cannot thank God enough for the opportunity given to me.

On a lighter note-
The food at the hall is truly terrible- fatty and not yummy. BUT i am still surviving nonetheless. I miss Korean food- (which I had yesterday and today! There are no Korean restaurants in Nottingham- but I met a Korean law student who was kind enough to cook me and some other people Korean food and packed me the leftovers so I could have more. I am sooo grateful!) and good Chinese food. I just want..bbq pork on rice- they keep giving me bbq pork fried rice. gah.

I sometimes get a pang of....nostalgia, but I feel like it's a bit of a luxury, especially when I am so lucky to be here. BUT i do miss my family. I wish they were here in England. LOL (that is to say i dun miss NZ.) and I also miss you guys terribly. xxxxx


If you'd like to receive a postcard from me please email me your addresses(if you want to risk it, you can leave it as a comment here- but the internet is a freaky place). I can't guarantee anything, but you don't have anything to lose! :D (its like...a free lottery ticket. if you lose, you lose nothing but the hope in your heart...waiiiit. not helping my case.)

I am gonna go and read some more books. :D i got two books, and i have about 5 on the way.

Night night (we lag 12 hrs behind you guys- so its monday for me!)

From other side of the world,

The Unadventurous Traveller.

PS: Any tip on organising an Italian trip or any Europe Trip? i wanna fit one in before I leave on 22/Dec!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

City Visit and Eat Pray Love 29/09/2010

I paid another visit to City(which by now I've been to plenty of times.) with Ye Lim to watch a movie-

We went around the city to find this place "cornerhouse" which is a complex with the movies and other restraurants. We took a while finding our way there due not being familiar with town centre(which I am now relatively competent in)

Due to having got there too early (Around 10.15?) we went around the town, ventured towards Victoria Centre to kill time until maybe about 10.45. our movie was due to start at 11.

The movies are cheaper in the mornings here. I believe about 50p or so difference which is about $ 1.50 for us. We opted to watch Eat Pray Love.

LOOOOLLIES at the movies. They call lollies "sweets" over here. they find it funny to say lollies.

Ye Lim bought some corn chips and coke which I stole a bit of.

Eat Pray Love was good enough- it was a bit compact, and did not convey the tone of the book (insofar as I have read- i read the "Eat" bit lol) too well, but that's the limitation of the medium and I was well impressed with the movie.

It made me feel a lot of different emotions- how we have to move on from our past, how we have to deal with things, live with things, finding our balance. I now want to read the rest of the book(it's back in NZ! GAH!)

Speaking of books- I have found my medium of procrastination: and!
It's sooo great to not have to pay for exorbitant shipping fees. Amazon has been great, I bought so many books, some of which have been life-changing for me. The problem really is the taking them back home...which I will think about later.

Hope everyone is keeping well.
My heart goes out especially to Victoria and her family. I will keep you in my prayers.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Home and Fresher's Week

1. On 18 Sept, I moved out of the temporary place I was living in (Sherwood Hall) and moved to Cripps Hall!

A bit about Cripps Hall

According to Wikipedia Cripps Hall provides accommodation for just over 300 students. The hall is named after its benefactor, Sir Cyril Cripps. It opened in 1959, and was originally all male, but has been mixed sex since 2000. Cripps Hall was designed by the architects Donald McMorran and George Whitby, and is a grade II listed building (one of only relatively few post-war buildings to be given such status). Cripps Hall has a perennial rivalry with its neighbour, Hugh Stewart Hall. Cripps Hall is the only hall on campus to have its own gym and has won the intramural sports competition for the past three years. The current warden is Dr Gethin Roberts.

Did you read it all??? we have a GYM! but i should take photo of that thing, because it is quite a depressing sight. But nonetheless we have a gym! There is a BAR in every hall as well. Yes, a bar with alcohol and everything. It is a really good way to ensure that you get your dose of alcohol every night (As I have been. Thankfully I haven’t been getting drunk or anything, just been enjoying a glass of beer every night or so. :p)

Below are the photos of my room!

The view from the window
Basin in the closet. LOL.
"Fresher's Welcome" Pack from Notts which was on the desk when I got there. Very cuute.

I love Cripps Hall. It is pretty. The only downside to Cripps would be its ghastly interior inside the rooms: the furniture looks funny and smells a bit odd too. But other than that, its allll g.

There are blocks dividing the buildings, I am in B block. It think the block goes from A to W. I am on the 2nd floor(or 3rd floor- The Brits seem to be quite fussy about the whole "Ground floor" stuff) in room 25. I like my room. It's got a little basin in the cupboard which is quite cute.

I am in a Single Study room, which means that I have to share a bathroom with strangers, but there are two bathrooms between the 6 of us on 2nd floor, so it is not that bad. I haven't had a really big problem with bathrooms or anything.

And the cleaner is uber nice.

2. On that Saturday I met with some other International/exchange students that will be living in my hall over a luncheon. I met a couple of great people including some very English tutors as well. :)

One of the international people I met: Katie from US.
Lovely lovely girl.

That night, went out to a pub in Beeston(which is a small “town” like thing right next to UP) and had steak and chips and a drink(I opted non-alcoholic. Are you proud?) It was really good- for 5.99 it was not a bad meal at all.

Hon Xing, Peter(Tutor), Ye Lim, Paolo

3. Sunday: the BRITS INVASION! lol the first years (we call them Freshers here)moved in on Sunday- all quite frightened of not knowing anything/ anyone. It was quite funny saying hi to everyone in my block etc. Sweet people in my block. First two days, they were really keen to get to know people, but after that they all kinda stopped and started hanging out with their block mates. My block mates are nice- but there are two groups now(it was a developement after a week). I dun particularly enjoy being in the middle of anything high school-y again. I am way too old for that.

4. Freshers' Week Parties from the Monday onwards!

There are literally parties EVERY NIGHT.

First night was back to school theme: This i attended, and got to know some of my block mates better(Connie and Sophie- lovely people). I ended up dancing with a random English guy from Lenton Hall- which made me wonder whether I should keep going to these parties at all. They are all 18 year olds! gaaah

Second night was Traffic Light, you indicate your availability by wearing different colours! I did not attend this.

Third night was Baywatch. Self-explanatory? Apparently it was all decked out with actual sand in the bar(the Walkabout). SOunds cool, but lack of gear made me feel less inclined to go.

Fourth Night was Boogie Night/ Uniform party.

Fifth Night was angels and demons.

Sixth Night was the Hall Party- we went out to a club in town after drinking at the Bar. I attended this because this was to be the first "hall" specific party. Other parties were had with some other halls as well(not every other halls, because then that would be too many people!).

This proved to be a good night, I had fun, got suitably tipsy and all(I didn't realise how much I drank until I counted the next night- about 9 shots? but surprisingly I didn't get wasted! Spreading those shots over 5 hour period had its benefits.)

I ended up getting home at about 3.30. They bus you in and bus you out for these freshers events, which is a bonus for me. I am too lazy to go otherwise.

There was an incident with a boy from my hall- nothing too scandalous but more and more I am realising how out of place I am in terms of my age! ggggaaah.

3. Party continues

EVERY NIGHT. yep. the freshers go out every night- not ALL of them but it seems to be quite constant.

I hear their first year grades don't really matter in the UK- no wonder!

oh and there are HEAPS of takeaways being had in the halls: I have only had some pizza, but there are delivery people going in and out ANY HOUR OF THE NIGHT.

Dino's Pizza, Fortune Boy (Chinese), Indian food..etc. Freshers' Fifteen will be a reality.

I think I did put on some weight here, what with the drinking EVERY NIGHT (i didn't go out every night, but ended up drinking every night for one reason or other, possibly for society meetings and stuff.)

4. Fresher's Fayre

This is where all the society gather and present their societies for the benefit of freshers- HEAPS of stalls. This was set up next to the Sports Centre. Just walking around the whole thing took about an hour and a half. There were free Dominos Pizza slices being given out and other free things.

I joined a few societies: travel society, Christian Union, Korean Society, Investment Society, Entrepreneur Society...

With most societies, you have to pay to join- around 3~5 Pounds(with exception of Law Society: 25 pounds for a semester! gahh!)

Other fun societies include(and not limited to)

1) Harry Potter Society(!)

2) Cake Society

3) Secular Society

4) Real Ale Society

5) Chess Society

Been to a couple of gatherings.

Korean Society BBQ: met some great Korean people. I am starting to think less bad things about Korean people. Genuinely Korean people(not whitewashed) are better in my opinion. But I dun think it is about ethnicity but more about people in general: you can't trust people wholeheartedly without reason. That's just me going off tangent.

Dropped by the Library on the way to the Korean gathering.

Our famous lake by which the bbq was held.
Cripps Hall people at the bbq. Hon Xing, Ye Ji(Victoria) and Ye Lim.

New addition is Hee Young Kook! :D

CU: Christian Union is always good. I met some Cripps Hall people. There are reps in the Halls from CU. 2nd years living in Halls are seen as somewhat less cool due to the fact that well...many people move out after their first year. BUT some people have reasons for being back in the Halls- missed out on contract deadline for Flat, came back from overseas after a year abroad, helping out with CU! CU people are lovely- just as we have back home. I missed my church a little bit though. I am still searching for a church. I went to one this morning, which was a bit of a disappointment. Going to another tonight.

I feel that this post has been kind of EVERYWHERE, but it is because I am lazy and I haven't been updating as much as i should have been! :)
