Thursday, September 9, 2010


I suppose this would be my last trip in NZ for a while.

Me, Michelle and Lily just decided to take off one day and go down to a destination unknown. This has been something we have wanted to do for quite a while (since 6th or 7th form I believe) Very creative that we came up with Rotorua in the end (:p) but it was a pretty good fun. Kind of helps that I've never been to Rotorua before!
Got to Rotorua, singing, dancing...having more fun in the car than at a partaaay.

Arrived in Rotorua. Sulfuric smell is I suppose people do get used to it after a while? We saw Sarah at her work, very busy and important. ("Duty Pharmacist") Unfortunately no photo of that, as she had her colleagues near and that would have been pretty weird for me to be taking photos of Sarah.

We had lunch at a cafe in Rotorua called the Fat Dog or something I think. Really good food overall.

It started drizzling which really screwed up our plans, so we decided to stay a night in Rotorua in the hopes that we will get to do everything the next day.

Before we settled at a place we went to the Blueberry Vineyard, and had some bluberry wine....its really sweet. Michelle bought a bottle for us to share. I bought a bluberry tree for my parents! :D The lady was friendly, although we did get scared after a while.

Then we stopped at a Kuirau Park......(LOL michelle.)

It was a really pretty sight. I loved it. We had heaps of fun laughing at Michelle and her reading of Maori words, and had a good walk around the park. Boiling water/mud was pretty intriguing.

After that we settled at a motel. We were very awesome and wholesome and decided to cook dinner together. (which was one of the things we've been meaning to do for a WHILE) Went to Countdown Rotorua and bought some ingredients!

We cooked way too much rice and ended up with two pots of rice LOL which we wasted in the end.

End product. Was actually alright!

We went for a spa dip with wine and everything (how grown-up. and No photo for privacy ;)) then like good grannies everywhere, went to bed. :D


After failing to cook pancakes in the morning, we went to Agrodome(thanks to Desmond!) and did the touristy things like looking at sheep and whatnot.

Then we went to Hamilton and had some lunch(awesome burgers!), then came back!!

I am so lucky to have friends like these. :D I shall miss you guys terribly. x

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